duminică, 3 noiembrie 2013


In lumea mea,
Copacii cresc circular, infierbantati, isi iau avant de departe, din centrul Pamantului,
Mananca jaratic precum calul lui Fat-Frumos,
Vorbesc cu domnitele incrancenate,
Crengi incotosmanite in fum portocaliu si roz,
Petale de sticla si solzii mierosi.
In lumea mea,
Copacii cresc fiecare cate un copil la sanul lui,
Sa invete cum se vorbeste chihlimbarul.


From the highway of diminished love,
Chocolate angels, falling over threshold
And drowning in old ages of time,
Crawling toward lines and words and lights,
Angels in orange and purple,
Hold hands, so that you stay still
Inside the time.

Stone wings

Growing stones inside the minute
Reaching out, at the border line
Climbing out, till the dawn, will settle down somewhere.
I am growing stone wings, baby,
Grey and white altogether
Resting behind the eyelashes.